Drinking Water

Are you looking to invest in a reverse osmosis water system? If so then this information would be very helpful in arriving at a conclusion that whether or not to go for a reverse osmosis system to improve the quality of drinking water. This article would clarify the confusion that the money spent on buying a reverse osmosis water system is worth spending or not. The benefits of reverse osmosis water whether outweighs its cost in real or still people should prefer bottled drinking water.

What is Reverse Osmosis Water?

Reverse osmosis water is filtered water that is produced when water is passed through a reverse osmosis membrane which is basically a semi-permeable membrane.  This membrane allows certain things to pass through but don’t let everything go through it. These water purification systems work on the natural phenomena known as osmosis. Osmosis is the ability of a liquid to flow from an area of higher concentration of salts to an area of lower concentration. Reverse osmosis water systems act exactly opposite to this naturally existing act where impure and unclean water is moved with a water pump from an area of higher concentration usually impurities to an area of lower concentration. In other words, water is passed through reverse osmosis membrane which removes impurities from water and removes everything once. This membrane works on this idea and removes everything from water once even the desired minerals.

Working of a Reverse Osmosis Water System

A reverse osmosis water system usually comprises of 6-8 stages. It has different filtration levels that make the water pure and healthy. A reverse osmosis system operates on the idea of passing of dirty water through semi-permeable membrane by the process of reversing the osmosis process. The water usually gets through first from the pre-filters. These pre-filters are namely polypropylene filter cartridge, granular activated carbon filter (GAC) and carbon clock filter. Then the impure water is allowed to pass through reverse osmosis membrane.

When a reverse osmosis water system is installed and turned on, in the first stance water passes through the polypropylene filter. This pre-filter has been designed to remove all types of suspended particles from the water such as sand, clay and silt. If these suspended particles are not removed initially, they can block the reverse osmosis membrane as well as the filtration system itself. This PP membrane removes impurities in the water up to 5µ. GAC and carbon block filter as the name suggests are used to remove chlorine and chloramines in the water. GAC is made up of acid washed coconut shells and coal with carbon in higher concentration. CTO is able to absorb more impurities as carbon is compressed to increase its strength and performance. Due to removal of chlorine form the water it tends to be free of any kind of odor and taste caused by chlorine. 

Reverse osmosis membrane filters the water up to 0.0001micron. Anything greater than .0001 micron cannot get though reverse osmosis membrane.  Once the membrane removes completely everything from the water, the water even gets void of essential minerals. The water at this stage is not fit for drinking purposes as it lacks even essential minerals which are required for proper functioning of the body. Advanced reverse osmosis water systems have a built-in mineralization tube that enriches the water with the required minerals as well as remineralizer the reverse osmosis water with the desired level of minerals and nutrients. Don’t go for simply RO systems available in the market else you will be putting your family’s health at risk. Taste and odor tube in reverse osmosis systems restore the taste and odor of reverse osmosis water

Benefits of Reverse Osmosis Water

 Reverse Osmosis Water

Reverse osmosis water offers a number of benefits. These benefits range from a readily available great tasting water to positive impact on the environment to reduced cost and time.

Clean and Safe Water for Drinking and Cooking

The first and foremost benefit is that reverse osmosis water is free from any contaminant and harmful chemicals. It is safe to be consumed for drinking, cooking and making beverages. Nowadays in many regions direct tap water is not potable and needs treatment. These harmful substances and chemicals in the water affect the overall health and immune of the family. All kinds of sediments up to .0001 micron are eliminated from water. Many contaminants including micro-organisms such as bacteria and viruses are removed from water. These bacteria staying in water leads to many waters borne diseases and multiply to cause fatal infections. Reverse osmosis membrane makes water pure and healthy for kitchen usage purpose and for body hydration.

Removal Of Harmful Chemicals and Minerals

Many harmful chemicals such as lead and arsenic can leech into water due to pipe erosion and rust. These chemicals contaminate water and are highly toxic in nature.  Reverse osmosis water removes these cancer-causing substances from water and ensure safe and healthy water for whole family. Especially for children whose immune systems are not fully developed and older people whose immunity reduces with age reverse osmosis water is best water.

Improved Taste And Smell

Chlorine and chloramines present in the tap water impart specific taste and smell to it. Strong taste and odor make water unbearable to drink. The process of reverse osmosis removes chlorine and any bad odor from tap water. Taste and odor tube in a reverse osmosis water system makes water tasty and odorless so you can enjoy water as a beverage. This taste and smell removal from water also helps to enhance the taste and flavors in dishes by adding reverse osmosis water.

Cost Effective and On Demand Supply

Depending upon the filtration needs and customization of a reverse osmosis water filtration system their costs vary but these systems are not very expensive. Most of them are price friendly and are designed by keeping in mind as necessity rather than a luxury item. Any extra and advanced filtration stage can be updated and added with a minimal charge. These systems are cost effective as they promise an on-demand supply whenever you need unlike plastic bottles. Reverse osmosis systems come with a separate faucet and a storage facility. You can definitely get a defined unlimited supply. These systems encourage refillable bottles and discard the use of single water bottles.

Alkaline Mineralized Water

Reverse osmosis water after filtration does not contain essential minerals as well. This is usually portrayed as a disadvantage of a reverse osmosis system. In order to remineralizer essential minerals are added back to it in order to make it more useful and beneficial.

Water without remineralization is useful for keeping marine animals in an artificial environment. This water is also used by some chef to get a certain taste in their dishes.

Decline In Plastic Bottles Waste

Reverse osmosis water systems are a more sustainable and eco-friendlier substitute for single use plastic bottles which are disturbing the natural ecosystem and causing more damage to environment.

It doesn’t mean that reverse osmosis water has no disadvantages. Reverse osmosis membrane needs electricity to be operated and second is the waste water produces as a result of process. But still if you compare them with the harmful effects of plastic bottled water and advantages offered by reverse osmosis water these negative points can somewhat supersedes the positive side of it. Due to storage capacity electricity failures can be born and regarding how to utilize the waste water advancements are coming. Some people store this waste water to water plants after certain treatment.

Say good bye to single use plastic bottles and hydrate yourself and your family with pure safe alkaline mineralized reverse osmosis water.

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March 2025


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